What do you & your business need right now?
Discernment is a key skill to cultivate when you’re a self-employed woman.
Bold, thoughtful questions can lead you to authentic, discerning decisions that ensure your time, energy and capacity are being used wisely. On this page, I want to help you decide if stepping further into this micro-business space is right for you.
So let’s get to those questions now…
Do you want a simpler business?
If you don’t dream of having an empire or being an influencer, then you don’t have to do all the same stuff as those businesses. It can be a relief to learn that your micro-business needs are simpler and you can let go of all the sh*t that you don’t have to do.
Tired of being told to fix yourself?
You’ve tried a bunch of things someone told you that you should or have to do. Nothing is working or feeling right for you. That’s often a sign you’re not meant to do business like those people. I don’t have any secrets to sell you and you aren’t needing to be fixed. What I know helps self-employed women is embracing simplicity and discovering how you’re wired to think + work… and I share more about all of that in my Community Emails & Private Podcast.
Do you take your business seriously?
Despite what some business experts say… deciding to be self-employed & a micro-business doesn’t mean you don’t take your business seriously. You are simply choosing a different kind of business. One that is likely a better fit for the capacity you have, your values and what makes sense for your situation now.
Were you nodding Yes to any of those questions?
If so, we probably have some things in common. You’ll also likely enjoy the Community Emails I send out and the Private Podcast I host to encourage self-employed women with what their businesses, bodies & brains need to root, blossom and mature.
Interested in Subscribing?
You’ll receive 3 days of emails so we can get more acquainted, an invite to the Private Podcast and I’ll answer your business questions.
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