How do you want to feel about your business?

It’s both exhilarating and exhausting right? There’s the freedom to do your own thing and experience those ecstatic & emboldening moments. There are also business struggles, constant demands, and endless decisions. It’s normal to feel self-doubt and anxiety about what you’re doing. Often overwhelmed with everything on your plate and frustrated that your business is not where you want it to be. You’re always hopeful that your lists and projects will eventually get done, and that you’ll finally feel like you have a handle on your business. It’s natural to wonder if it will ever feel easier.

So why do women choose self-employment?

For the women I’ve met it’s often driven more by necessity than choice. Individual reasons vary but there are commonalities…

  • Mid-life women with diverse needs & responsibilities seeking autonomy and flexibility through self-employment
  • Women ready to prioritize themselves by building their own ventures after dedicating much of their energy to others.
  • GenX women aged-out of their careers and  transitioning to self-employment and a balanced, self-paced work environment.
  • Creative, Intuitive & Sensitive women who want a simple, healthy business aligned with their values and conscious practices.
  • Women with non-traditional careers or backgrounds, seeking empowerment through entrepreneurship tailored to their unique experiences.
  • [Insert your reason here]

If you’re done with being too busy to enjoy your life, tired of a business that doesn’t feel fulfilling or a business that feels out of integrity – you’re not alone! What you want is possible.

There aren’t many business spaces that feel supportive for micro-business women like us. So let me offer some questions to see if this might be a place you’d like to know more about…